Recent content by Milkman88

  1. M

    2 months of cure updated pics

    Extremely light flavor. Tastes almost like your smoking just crystal from your buster. It's a great smoke for throughout the day. Gives you a good uplifting buzz. Makes me more outgoing that's for sure. Definitely not a couch lock bud but still very relaxing and calming. Love it as I've been...
  2. M

    2 months of cure updated pics

    2 months in jars. Early harvested white widow. Looks pretty good to me. Especially for being chopped two weeks early. It smokes great. Thanks for looking.
  3. M

    Finished product. White widow Ontario outdoor

    Outdoor white widow . Cured for about 2 weeks now. I've already smoked some and it's pretty dam good. Gonna let it continue to cure and I can just imagine how smooth it will become. I was worried I harvested too early but I'm more then happy with it's affects. Thanks for looking!!
  4. M

    What do you think??

    I chopped this plant on October 1st as I was worried about mold and thieves. I know it wasn't done but how far off would you say it was?? I've got her 3 sister's in the ground still and I'm gonna wait it out until the 14th. So 2 extra weeks. I know about the trichomes things but to the untrained...
  5. M

    Help!!!! Please need it ASAP

    Here's a bud I took off 4 days ago and let start drying. It was a bottom bud and got nowhere near as much light as the main colas. I know it's not done but it's close right?? It's off the plant I wanna crop October 1st . So it would be roughly two weeks after this photo was taken. Sorry if I'm...
  6. M

    Help!!!! Please need it ASAP

    I'm more worried about high school kids who are to stupid to know better and just get excited at the thought of free weed. They will steal it and ruin it trying to hide it from there parents while they dry it. Got alot of highschool students in my town. It would be nothing for a 16 year old to...
  7. M

    Help!!!! Please need it ASAP

    I've got two doodles and a small terrier lol they are far from intimidating. The doodles are about 70 pounds. The terrier is always on alert though and barks at almost anything. They would have to jump my nieghbours fence who has a pitbull rehab beside me. They have anywhere from 2-5 dogs at any...
  8. M

    Help!!!! Please need it ASAP

    I've got 3 dogs. So that is a no go. Can't risk them getting hurt.
  9. M

    Help!!!! Please need it ASAP

    I'm hoping to get a pound from 4 plants saving me roughly 2500 bucks in money from buying marijuana every 4 or 5 days. Note I'm not rich and 2500 dollars is a huge savings for me . This is why I'm so concerned.
  10. M

    Help!!!! Please need it ASAP

    Exactly. They where about 100 yards away but I could see them and they could see me standing in my garden and my plants are at shoulder hieght and my fence is 5 foot so about the same height. looked like a car full of people and they where definitely slow rolling by getting a good look. I sleep...
  11. M

    Help!!!! Please need it ASAP

    I've put this tarp up and I'm hoping it saves me for the last two weeks. It doesn't cover them all by any means but it covers most of them . Not sure how obvious this is to people driving by but hoping it works. . Thanks guys you have been more then helpful.
  12. M

    Help!!!! Please need it ASAP

    My neighbor cut back her hedges today and my plants are now highly visible from a road near my house. Really worried there gonna get stolen. Should I just crop now??? Here are pics from today. I'm really worried here guys. Will I get anything decent from these buds. School buses full of...
  13. M

    How far off??

    I'm thinking about harvesting this plant on October 1st. I'm in southern Ontario Niagara falls area. What do you guys think?? Too early?? Here are some pics. The pictures where taken 2 days ago.