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  • ya i just got internet back up in this bi*** ha ha well should say a new labtop.. been awhile since been on but will be able to visit site a lot more often lol.... have been having good luck got 5 beautiful plants fully done including a hydro(D.W.C.) most i got was 5 zips and that was off the hydro one. was kinda gay of a run after awhile cause only had 3 strains and 2 i couldnt clone cause inherited from a buddy while they already were fllowering an other last 3 where all bubbalicous, definetly gettin old 2 smoke ha ha.. gonna get a bunch of different strains off of attitude thinkin "Diamond Girl", "White Siberian", "Tangerine Dream", and definetly "Sweet Deep Grapefruit" one of the plants i got from my buddy was a sweet deep grapefruit and that sexy gurl put out just shy of a 1/4 lbs. IN SOIL!! so gonna try her out in aeroponics:)
    Only you can really answer the yield question. It depends on the room temp, nutrients used, ph of water used, etc... If you are experienced you should get 2 oz each if you have given it ample space container to grow in, whether you are using soil or hydro, did you prune and stake them when kicking over to 12/12? All this plays a factor in the final yield.
    Got quite the budz already kinda excited the two flowering are doin GREAT an the 2 bubbalicouse both sprouted pre-flowers already lol.. ill update pics SOON..................
    My babies are growin strong sweet fruity scented budz lookin really healthy an 2 feminized bubbalicous an 2 bag seeds are gettin to be lil jiants ha ha installed a BATHROOM FAN today costed under $20 an keeps growroom 5-10*F cooler
    moved the growroom to bigger are they are really likin the new spot better stays cooler too.
    Hey man glad to add you as a friend hope i can help you as well as get some in return..i'll be checking out your grow real soon..
    Wat seeds can i get for cheap an get HIGH yeilds wih a 400w mh/hps, have 2 females 5-6 weeks old lookin really good so far...
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