Recent content by minniehaha

  1. minniehaha

    Kissed a lot of frogs

    Kissed a lot of frogs
  2. minniehaha

    Help. My plants are dying

    They arent dying. Take a box cutter and gently take away the bottom of your pot. Turn over the ground underneath, water well if you are able, then replace plant on to turned soil. The plant will root into the ground, which will be full of nutrients, and she will also be able to find damp in very...
  3. minniehaha

    Male sacs on autofem?

    It's OK, I have managed to find the answer in my copy of 'Growing Elite Marijuana'. Thanks again.
  4. minniehaha

    Male sacs on autofem?

    Thank you both. Whilst I am here, will these calyxes develop as proper flowers? Are they harvestable? Sorry to be such a noob.
  5. minniehaha

    Male sacs on autofem?

    ~Thanks hotrodharley, how confident are you? I have tried to read up on swollen calyxes, but as usual, finding a definitive answer that is plain English (not lab speak) is proving difficult. Does swollen calyx mean my girl is OK? Do I just leave them be?
  6. minniehaha

    Male sacs on autofem?

    I have noticed what I think are male pollen sacs on my autofem Kera crazy bud. Do I nip them off, or are they harmless? I am a noob. This is my only remaining plant (scorched the others to death sadly in an unshaded greenhouse). The second pic is only to show female flowers.