Recent content by Moistvonlipwig

  1. M

    Ms. POTUS?

    So four years ago Kamala was one of the first dem candidates to give up an election bid she did so poorly. Her She has accomplished nothing in the last three and a half years .. nothing . Polls show the only person people like less then Joe right now is Kamala. And after 3.5 years of...
  2. M

    Accidental cloning

    I did my first harvest a week ago , did some trimming before cutting it down and left some plant parts in the pot . Pulled the root ball and gave the left over soil a stir up then left it out on the patio and sort of forgot about it. Was doing my yard work this morning and gosh darn it...
  3. M

    Cigarette rollers.

    That's all fine and dandy , fantastic . fortunately it will not be a gift for you .
  4. M

    Cigarette rollers.

    I want to make a gift .. because everyone likes nice things . What I want to make is a cigarette roller . We have all seen the cheap plastic things that cost like 5 bucks and work ok for what they are . That's what I am going to make , only nice and machined out of metal . Anyhoo I...
  5. M

    Getting older and reflecting on the past

    Not to long past all that I found myself living in Akron , off of Grant street not to far from downtown . Had a job at a pretty big lumber yard type of place . Was out doing shady stuff one evening and met this dude a real tweaker type of guy he had wrecked his car and was hung up on...
  6. M

    lets see how bad i screw up an outdoor grow

    Let's start with the first mistake , I got seduced by some early weather ..... So nothing to report except I lost one of my fruit by the foot auto's . Leaves gone .... It's been cold and rainy so there is not much growth happening .
  7. M

    Bruce Bugbee course

    I'm not directing this comment to Bruce bugbee or his course because I am 100% ignorant about it . I'd be rather hesitant about any course of any type there are not many out there of any type that are not an outright scam of one type or another designed to do nothing but separate you from...
  8. M

    Win 10 Strawberry Cheesecake Autos on This Post from Barney's Farm!

    Winning This would really brighten my life up , woke up this morning and stubbed my pinky toe on the coffee table , while hopping around cussing I tripped over the cat and gave myself a black eye when my head bounced off the wood stove . Clearly I need something to clear my mind more...
  9. M

    Getting older and reflecting on the past

    I'm not sure how to start this , or where I'm going with it . Way back when I was 19 I went to a party . It was a pretty darn lame party . Wasn't any booze and no one else smoked. Just about the time I was getting ready to make like a tree and leave this brunette walked in the door and...
  10. M

    Bubbagum trade

    I have 6 seeds of what I was told is "bubbagum" not to be confused with bubblegum. These are bag seeds of course , it was good weed . Not the best I've ever smoked but much better then average . As to smell and taste ... im over 50 and have smoked ciggs for 40 of those years , I...
  11. M

    lets see how bad i screw up an outdoor grow

    it quit raining Monday morning so i planted my seedlings , the bubbagum photo's looks good to me . the fruit by the foot autos however have stretched again . I'm guessing due to it being mostly cloudy without any real direct sunlight . pics got out of order the stretchy ones are the...
  12. M

    my first grow , its not great

    Howdy , Ohio here as well . Looks like a good job to me , takes some dedication to get that far without so much as a light timer .
  13. M

    lets see how bad i screw up an outdoor grow

    I'm with you on all that , I have very little concern with law enforcement . I live in a rural area our sheriff is not against weed . It's everyone else that concerns me , when the plants get to be mature they will be slightly visible to people driving down the road for about half a...
  14. M

    lets see how bad i screw up an outdoor grow

    I had them close to a window and they popped up faster then I expected. I've since moved them outside to spot where they should get good light without spending all day in direct sunlight . They will go straight from the cups to native soil .
  15. M

    Win x5 Fastbuds Banana Purple Punch Auto Seeds on This Post

    Just started my first outdoor grow and would love to give em a try . Haven't had the opportunity to grow anything except bag seeds yet , this would really up my game