Recent content by MRphotoN

  1. MRphotoN

    looking for recommendation for seedbank who ships wordwide

    anyway i probobly go with : Gelat.OG and Peyote gorilla any 1 had grew them?
  2. MRphotoN

    need profsional advice on led hight <<<<<<<<

    yeah i did not say nothing about them im just abit paranoid that the store i bought from may did few runs with it.probobly they opened it for test that the light ok but still just to be sure... is there anyway to cheak if the light was running for some time ???????
  3. MRphotoN

    looking for recommendation for seedbank who ships wordwide

    legendary starin :) i forgot to mention im looking for the new us genetics
  4. MRphotoN

    looking for recommendation for seedbank who ships wordwide

    hi guys before i buy from seedsman i I thought i will ask here maybe theres better options looking for high thc,fast flower and great yield strains
  5. MRphotoN

    need profsional advice on led hight <<<<<<<<

    by the way is there any way to check if my scorpion diablo was used before??? the package was pretty sloppy and i just want to be sure ,its not an cheap toy
  6. MRphotoN

    need profsional advice on led hight <<<<<<<<

    according to this (most pro test i saw in the internet) i gess i should aim for 22 inch in 4x4 tent (pretty good climate but not perfect). please correct me if im wrong i looking for great looking colas and uniformity and of course the best...
  7. MRphotoN

    need profsional advice on led hight <<<<<<<<

    so i will start by giving the credit to the dude that colected all this data he did it realy profasinaly! so i need help with the best hight to hang hlg scorpion diablo for the most effective hight (yeild and hardest nugs) on 5x5 tent...
  8. MRphotoN

    hlg scorpion diablo

    so i got my eye on this beast but my problem im not from the states and im afraid of shipping and warranty issues any one had exp with it? i got ac 220v 50hz from the wall i need nema 6-15p 240v right? is it safe to order it from amazon or will it be better to buy from hlg direct ?
  9. MRphotoN

    what coffee filter should i use for bho blast

    tanks man appreciate it
  10. MRphotoN

    help with butane bho blast

    thanks man.there no problem to put baking paper on the metal and blast on it right? i ordered this stainless steal 25micron filters...
  11. MRphotoN

    what coffee filter should i use for bho blast

    point taken but in my country all this equipment cost 10 time more +i dont see the point if i can get the same results ... about safety of course i will blast and purge outside with safety googles and Clothing. any way i bouth this stainless steal 25 micron filters...
  12. MRphotoN

    help with butane bho blast

    tanks for the info but dont forget i try to do it diy and as cheap as possible and i dont have buchner filter.wouldnt it be mach harder to purge with the alcohol? do you have any suggestion for coffee filters? and how about blast and purge on silicon backing mold?(any efect on taste or smell ...
  13. MRphotoN

    what coffee filter should i use for bho blast

    what coffee filters should i use(they have different grade types and different colors and materials as well)? and i cant find any sparkless heating plate with thermostat for ac220v for purging does it have any specific name or something because when i searching i can find only cooking...
  14. MRphotoN

    help with butane bho blast

    cool man thanks. but can you explain it to me what the purpose of the alcohol ? can i blast it into silicone cooking plate? i mean is it safe from any chemical reaction,its seems to be easier to work with... still im not sure with what coffee filters should i use(they have different grade...