Recent content by msgrowly

  1. M

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Maby ITS because it IS a bigger one than yours 68 L. Maby ITS to strong.or because it IS Summer IT have to cool even more. In the room its 26 Celsius and in the cooler 16. Thanks for your Help!
  2. M

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    They are all Working.
  3. M

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I have 5 different hygros all Show pretty much 54-55% now. Sponge on the bottom neary fully loaded
  4. M

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    My cooler ist a de Sina gpf-24c ITS a thermoelectric one. I have No clue what is wrong.. Thanks for helping!
  5. M

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    The dehunidifier isnt running because Its stable and goes down by itself
  6. M

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Of course i have tree hygros in there still decreasing relative fast ITS at 56% right now There ist a big sponge in there aswell and its nearly full wirh Flower. Some ideas?
  7. M

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I have the Problem that when i Put everything in IT was Like 73% but decreased since then in 3 days to Like 63% in the cooler. ITS thermoeekectric should i Put a wet sponge in there? I did wettrimming and its nearly fully loaded Pls Help Greetings Growly