Recent content by Mumbeltypeg

  1. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Hey bud is that a humidifier kicking out fog down there? Or just a smudge on the lense?
  2. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Aaaaand I’m back! Hey friends! Sorry it’s been so long! I checked a couple of times but the site was down and I have been on growing vacation last couple of months. Getting some renovation work done around the house that has been long overdue. But missed you dudes, glad to see you both have been...
  3. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Looking good buddy! They don’t look like they are struggling tho.. why drop the light? More photons more flower
  4. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Yeah I don’t think I’d mess with them much if they are autos.. can’t afford to stunt anything.
  5. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Haha.. already hooked. Scrog is the way to go for limited space
  6. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    I’ve got either space monkey or space cowboy popped and about to go in for this next run.. ha. Christ I nearly went mad trimming.. both my rooms finished so I had to pretty much trim approx 15lb on my own over the last couple of weeks, I finally caved and bought an electric bowl trimmer for the...
  7. Mumbeltypeg

    Led yields..

    Could you expand on that regarding too much water/veg mass please? Sounds interesting
  8. Mumbeltypeg

    Led yields..

    And to you friend. It’s exciting using all this new tech.
  9. Mumbeltypeg

    Led yields..

    Green spectrum led has better penetration from what I have read but I imagine the difference would be negligible in reality.
  10. Mumbeltypeg

    Any Tissue culture threads?

    Thanks bud, I’m looking at buying a lamina flow hood, steriliser and magnetic stirrer and some other bits from a mushroom farmer nearby in a few weeks.. sounds like there is a fair bit of crossover between the two, I’ll see what else I can pick up off him too then. thanks again.
  11. Mumbeltypeg

    Any Tissue culture threads?

    Looking at setting up some basic equipment to give TC a crack.. looking for those who have ventured down this path
  12. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Analogue.. you dinosaur just kidding, probably more reliable than digital. I’m yet to see a bad strain from him yet, all healthy robust plants.
  13. Mumbeltypeg

    Led yields..

    I think it’s about 5x5 and 6 plants. I’ll put the tape over it tomorrow and give you an exact measurement if you like. Just harvested 4lb, 3oz again last week.
  14. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Excellent! Let’s see how this goes! And Merry Christmas all! Hope your having a good one!
  15. Mumbeltypeg

    My friends dont want to see anymore weed pics

    Hey Tuksu, thanks for the advice with that last grow of mine.. got a new personal best thanks to your help! Much appreciated!