Recent content by myke

  1. myke

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Tomatoes do very well,same recipe as weed, just I add a little more domo lime or epsom.Pending on your water.
  2. myke

    Tricking garlic by freezing

    From my reading it says Hardneck varieties need a cold period.I have no experience with this though.
  3. myke

    Tricking garlic by freezing

    My understanding is without the cold period I wont get cloves,Ill get one round bulb ,if I just plant it without.
  4. myke

    Tricking garlic by freezing

    Well that’s the idea of freezing I guess. Stratification something? According to some videos it should work. Plan is to plant them in side so I have little plants by May. Nothing grows here until after may long anyway.
  5. myke

    Tricking garlic by freezing

    51*, Never got around to planting last fall so that's why the freezer trick.Broke a few bulbs up mixed with some dirt and in the freezer.Saw a video on it,will see what happens.
  6. myke

    Tricking garlic by freezing

    I picked up some Russian Red I think they're called.Read about freezing for 3 weeks then plant.Anyone tried? Its been 10 days so far ,will see what happens.
  7. myke

    just dogs

    Dog had a muzzle on today,I waved and said thanks.He was hoping the dog would get better but admitted its going to take more time.Some are just grumpy. Didn't see the little dog,hope its OK.
  8. myke

    Do you do 10-15% runoff with organics?

    Look at the SIP thread.You'll thank me later.
  9. myke

    just dogs

    Someone has to stand up and say what everyone is thinking.Im that guy,I feel kinda sad that it went down like this but it had to be said.I believe the owner will do the right thing.
  10. myke

    just dogs

    At the dog park today,known dog for being aggressive.60 lbs husky cross put a beat down on a little dog.Had the owner not pulled the husky away little dog was a goner.Aggressive bites etc. I was 50ft away when this went down.I walked up to the owner and told him you get a mussel for that dog or...
  11. myke

    Chlorine Friendly Nutrients In Canada

    I always just soaked the clay balls in bleach along with air stones but I didn't use much,net pots were 5".Always was a pain dealing with them.
  12. myke

    Questions about the soil I am mixing.

    Your not supposed to eat it.:spew:
  13. myke

    Questions about the soil I am mixing.

    I think my very first mix was 1 cup kelp and 1 cup Gaia 444,also 4 cups rock dust.Copied from somewhere on the net.
  14. myke

    Chlorine Friendly Nutrients In Canada

    Hmmm,well I always had a feeder line under the lid and into the net pot.You forsure could just scoop some from the res and pour it through. I had also phoned the rep,cool dude was very helpful.
  15. myke

    Questions about the soil I am mixing.

    But yeah if using just CoM stuff 2 should do. Easier to add then take away.