Recent content by Nestoryak

  1. N

    The right dirt

    I'm starting them inside, but I read not to use miracle grow because of the high nitrogen content in it. Says it burns the plant. I grew last year for the first time in my garden. Even though I started late ( for lack of knowledge) I used epsom salt in dirt and as a spray. The flowers and small...
  2. N

    The right dirt

    I'm growing in 5 gallon buckets outside. What is the right dirt to use for starting the plants indoors and transferring them to buckets. Looking to by at Agway or home depot. If other options are good, let me know. Thanks again.
  3. N

    5 gallon buckets

  4. N

    5 gallon buckets

    Thank you all for your response. My garden soil has been messed up. I decided to try buckets with miracle grow this year. Last year I planted late, was my first time growing; and had bad soil in the garden, but I did grow some awesome flowers and small buds thanks to Epson salt. Gonna try...
  5. N

    5 gallon buckets

    When growing in you need to put holes in the bottom for drainage? Also, do you put rocks in the bottom then the potting soil on top of it? Thanks for any info.
  6. N


    Thank you, makes sense.
  7. N


    I've seen pictures of what looks like wire fence bent over plants and they grow through it. Why is this fence used?
  8. N

    Mason jars

    I have small Mason jars for curring and a few small plants. Does jar size matter, and how long do you leave it?
  9. N

    New bee question

    Already harvested. This was my first time growing, it was outside. I was late getting them. Next time I'll start them inside. I should get better results. But I was pleased to get something on my first try.
  10. N

    New bee question

  11. N

    New bee question

    Thank you all for your feed back.
  12. N

    New bee question

    I'm meant dried weed not dryer.
  13. N

    New bee question

    I'm 64, and growing up we had a way of making sugar not clumping up in humid weather. So we put either a saltine cracker or pasta in the jar with the sugar to keep it from clumping up. Just wondering if an old school thing like this help. Thanks for your response.
  14. N

    New bee question

    Do you need to cure your dryer weed; or can you just dry it? Also, can you put a piece of lasagna noodle (dry) in side the jar to help take out moisture in the curring process? Thank you for any answers. I'm retired and trying to grow for scoliosis pain.