Recent content by New2led94

  1. N

    Cal mag deficiency

    I watered with 6.8 my run off was 6.2 so I'm assuming 6.4 or 6.5
  2. N

    Cal mag deficiency

    I have been using roots Buddha grow and trinetdy at the recommended dosage on the bottle started using Remo magnifical when I saw brown/ bronze spots on leaves one plant is thriving with a few spots other one is lime green with lots of that brown shit
  3. N

    Cal mag deficiency

    This is happening to oldest leaves
  4. N

    Cal mag deficiency

    hi Im growingin roots organic soil I use distilled water and am getting a cal mag deficiency. I started using remo Magnifical. I feed then water like four days apart so usual one of each a week I was wondering if I add the cal mag to the time I water or the time I feed or both