Recent content by odbsmydog

  1. odbsmydog

    Swarley seeds

    Open pollinated with reverse fem and regular? What? Why?
  2. odbsmydog

    Hash vs flower

    What plants did good for you? My last big grow had fire flower n shitty bubble.. I fresh froze last year with dry ice and ice chests in the rain and they turned into budcycles that needed to be melted before losing trics to hash sieve process... Wasted my whole several pound flower harvest...
  3. odbsmydog

    Hash vs flower

    I'd love to see that answer :looks:
  4. odbsmydog

    Hash vs flower

    Asking for the cheat codes there
  5. odbsmydog

    Genetic Supply

    For sure. I finally was able to send them my $$$ today for the Joel's collection and the gooey purples
  6. odbsmydog

    Genetic Supply

    Dm sent, sorry about delay
  7. odbsmydog

    Genetic Supply

  8. odbsmydog

    Genetic Supply

    Oops meant to send as dm
  9. odbsmydog

    Genetic Supply

    I bought Chernobyl and bloodberries from genetic supply last year but they were in my seed bank that got stolen with damn near everything else I owned when me n the wife got stuck out of town with a broke down rv.. shithead neighbors stole em and I know they don't even care what they are or plan...
  10. odbsmydog

    Genetic Supply

    Fuckk I wish I knew it yesterday.. Can I still get a discount??? I guess I shouldn't ask personal q's like this on a public forum.. I'll email ya(if this is same person as GS customer service) Anyway sorry bout that... And think about me if tester spots open up I will purchase in a...
  11. odbsmydog

    Genetic Supply

    I'm still kicking my ass for not pulling the trigger on the testing program... I jus ordered the Joel's collection with purple as my freebie.. which was a CRAZY hard decision... The og/chem and sativa looked just as apatzing... I think the genetics on the purple collection are harder for me to...
  12. odbsmydog

    Norstar genetics

    I almost did and heavily regret. I'm getting the bulk pack Joel's mix and purple mix though asap. Just gotta mail the cash
  13. odbsmydog

    Norstar genetics

    Dark wood f2 pheno hunt sounds awesome. In getting a pack, I'd you wanna trade yours for something lemme know
  14. odbsmydog

    Genetic Supply

    I did but recently ran into financial trouble more so than usual so I was lot able to capatilize on the bad ass two for one deal you got going right now. Kicking myself for not being able to get some more norstar gear.. so much good stuff