Recent content by Offmymeds

  1. Offmymeds


    That is a sad story. He obviously misses his parents terribly and now his parents will probably be punished just because he was captured. He'll probably never see them again. I hope S. Korea takes him in.
  2. Offmymeds

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    The media hasn't changed nor has Trump, except he knows now that he won't ever be held accountable for anything. My news feeds were 90% Trump for the last 4 years and now it's back up to 99%. Even the freaking ads are Trump related. I see 1 story about a freeze warning and 1 story about a gang...
  3. Offmymeds

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    I don't think it matters what anyone else does. Trump will do as he pleases anyway. If laws, traditions, social customs, and even reality don't matter, how would Biden matter?
  4. Offmymeds

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    Cops punished, criminals hailed.
  5. Offmymeds

    Blaze & Daze

    Hi-dilly-ho, neighborinos! Happy Friday! I'm back at work with tax season on but I get off early today.
  6. Offmymeds

    Blaze & Daze

    It must be comfort food Sunday. I made the AllRecipes thinned version of Spanish hot chocolate with a little orange extract instead of cayenne. It took 2 tries because I found bugs (psocids?) in the salt shaker that I used.
  7. Offmymeds

    Canadian Stuff

    Don't worry, neighbours. I'm sure Trump will tell you too that he has a concept of a healthcare plan for you as well.
  8. Offmymeds

    Canadian Stuff

    The "free speech" platform? LOL Now that is about as snowflaky as you can get.
  9. Offmymeds

    Chronicles of Cultivation

    Day 26 Still screwing up the germinations. Dropped 2 more seeds yesterday. The 2nd drop has one survivor, but the drops from a week ago are already ahead of it. If I keep this up, I'll have a constant grow. Update if I get 2 nodes on any of them.
  10. Offmymeds

    Blaze & Daze

    Good morning. I'm going to chill and just smoke out for the rest of the year.
  11. Offmymeds

    Blaze & Daze

    I think you have consensus on the studliness. The result will apparently be the product of an orgy. There must be a strain already named Orgy. If they have More Cowbell, they surely have Orgy. Merry Christmas. WnB today!
  12. Offmymeds

    Blaze & Daze

    Good morning. Have a happy lazy day everyone.
  13. Offmymeds

    Blaze & Daze

    Bailey's! But only during the holidays...Thanksgiving, with double shots on Hannukah, Xmas Eve & day, & Boxing Day, then New Years Eve and Day, President's Day, Groundhog Day, Valentines Day,... FYI, Costco's Kirkland brand is exactly like the original Baileys but $17 vs $47.
  14. Offmymeds

    Blaze & Daze

    G'mornin 71°! (but that's inside the house). Actually it was 71 outside at 5 AM but rain is coming with lower temps.
  15. Offmymeds

    Blaze & Daze

    I'm eating for hibernation. Starting to get sleepy too. :blsmoke: