Recent content by oldfogey420

  1. O

    Is exhaust needed for a clone/mother tent?

    You will be fine with the open door and oscillating fan, but if you want to be able to close your tent, just grab a 4" inline duct fan. I run a 2x2 with the fan pulling air up and out the top and one screen open on the bottom, opposite side.
  2. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    Just letting you all know what has transpired since I posted. I got an r.o. system and started using that instead of tap water. I also started ph correcting my water even though you all say there is no need. Raised the lights. Got the room a little warmer. Annnnd.... I hate to admit this, I...
  3. O

    Watering till run-off, but soil VERY dry

    I presume this issue has been righted? Too simple an answer to read 2.5 pages worth of discussion. If you're getting immediate runoff, the water is not being soaked up by the soil on top, but is instead running down the sides between the dry soil and container wall. You need to water more, or...
  4. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    Slurry test: pH 5.83 2040ppm
  5. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    Ok, I'll hold on the dolomite until I run my tests. I've done them before, so should be fine. The foul smell is how i detemined the bin went anaerobic. I don't go in there too often.. once a week maybe, sometimes longer. As of now, it has that typical sweet earthy compost smell.
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    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    Can't seem to find that dolomite. I'll have to run to the store. Surely that bag will turn up right after I open the new one. I installed a small ro system this afternoon and watered in some Orca that a friend gave me. The filtered water reads 12ppm. The company says it should be 0, but hey...
  7. O

    Is this a P deficiency?

    If you only need water for 1 plant, you can just boil the chlorine off. 15-20 minutes at a rolling boil and you're good to go. Just let it cool down before you use it.
  8. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    I'll go ahead and raise the light up a bit more since multiple folks are suggesting it. So if I'm at 15" from the canopy now, what should i raise it to? 18, 20, 24? I don't want to dim any more because I need the heat.
  9. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    I've got that under control now. If i turn it every so often and give it some days here and there with the lid off it's fine. It's been a long while since it's gone funky and the worm population is booming.
  10. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    I do have dolomite around here somewhere. Can I add some to the top or just make sure to add some when I make a new batch of soil? I'm wary to add it though, due to what I read in the link that Generic Enigma provided. That thread says CaCO3 buildup may be causing the pH to be too high, and...
  11. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    Thank you for that link! There are a lot of similarities I see to what they are discussing there. You just might be on to something. I'm going to do the tests that Kratos suggested in that thread and see where that leads me.
  12. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    Some more info and images: My setup: 4x4 Mars FC-6500e at about 65% right now and 15 inches above the canopy. 5 in 7gal containers and 1 in a 5 gal container I water when they feel like they need it via a heft test. Tap water here generally runs 7.5-8pH. 250ppm from the faucet. Tried to find...
  13. O

    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    Obviously, there are other factors, many, many other factors or a combination thereof.. that could be contributing to my problems. Before going all organic, i tried all different kinds of bottled and powdered nutes - FF, botanicaire, gh bottled nutes, gh dry nutes, etc. Never had problems like I...
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    Anaerobic bacteria effect on soil

    I have had a worm bin for upwards of 5 years now. It's a large outdoor garbage can that is filled about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way and kept indoors. Three times now, the bin has gone anaerobic and I have been able to correct that by adding dry coir and constantly turning the soil with a shovel...
  15. O

    Question on F1 gen seeds.

    Each parent provides one allele for each gene. The dominant traits will be displayed in the f1 generation unless they both happen to have the same recessive gene. Some alleles combine to create a mixed trait (like a white flower crossed with a red flower, creating pink flower progeny). True f1...