Thank you so much! This is what I was looking for! So we can't legally have them outside and are having power problems so I've been moving them around the house with the sun... So as long as I have 6 hours of direct sun,.and pretty good the rest, I'll be ok? Does my plant look like it's good...
Omg thank you so much I will do what you said to the letter! Maybe I can finally get the hang of it! It should just be a day or 2 till I can get some! My next question was gonna be if I should just give it that for now! Thanks again!
It is I'm gonna replace it as soon as I can, I just wasn't using coco before..... But im someone who can't grow in anything but coco, cus I worry too much! Do you have a suggestion? oh I do have cal-mag however! I'm just no good at figuring these things out on my own... I try!
Thank you I love lots of info! I use coco, but might like to try soil again in the future just to learn it! I'm sorry I lost the packaging, but I think I have a screen shot somewhere. It was a gift... This is the only time Its done that, and hasn't on my other plant it's just on this one! That's...
it was all at once! I only managed to save one and started one other. Thanks to peoples advice, it's going good now! I just have little questions, but for some reason people hate to answer things and ask for things nicly so I think I'm bought to just grow and hope! I'm new to asking for things...
Ok it's buffered, it's in about a 2 pound container im reusing and I don't have a feeding schedule yet... Everyone and everything I read told me not to feed untill those first leaves are off(just what I've been told) unless I missed something which is a possibility, I dont register things the...
I did thank you very much... It just didn't tell me anything, I haven't already been told! I do really appreciate it though! Maybe it's just how my brain works, but it wasn't any clearer to me! If research helped, I probably wouldn't ask!
Ok so my new seedling is turning slightly yellow at the begining of new leaves! But when it's not under the light, it looks normal healthy green... So my question is am I freaking myself out over nothing again? Or does it need like a watered down batch of nutrients.. I believe it's a week and a...
So I got some nitro bat dry fertilizer... It's says to add it to the medium before watering...should I still feed every time I water in coco coir and perlite? Just wondering cus it probably doesn't wash away right away! Sorry, I'm still super new and learning!
Ok thank you I didn't think about the roots getting light, thank you! Also I wasn't sure if you should start them in small pots before! Because everyone and everything told me to start auto flowers in the final pot! Thank you for setting me straight! Doesn't do a darn but of good now, but will...