Recent content by Pineapplexcheese

  1. Pineapplexcheese

    Has my plant turned Hermie?? Where's my pistils??

    It's so hard not to harvest but I'm trying haha!
  2. Pineapplexcheese

    Has my plant turned Hermie?? Where's my pistils??

    So... My plant is turning purple lol :-) the leaves and trichomes, I'll post pics. Glad I didn't harvest as I wouldn't have seen this! Patiently waiting for harvest... :weed:
  3. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    Her stalk is about an inch thick, she's strong, she's been blown about and had her branches snapped in a storm, and still survived, I'm hoping she'll make it, just don't know how the cold will effect flowering! But yep time will tell! :-)
  4. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    Thanks I will try!
  5. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    I've managed to get her inside, guess that's gonne be the deal for the next 8 weeks, it's far too wet outside, even in a greenhouse she'd be too wet with the moisture in the air! So here's hoping she'll survive, I'll update as harvest time comes :-) if she makes it lol!
  6. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    Aw I thought you ment putting the manure straight ontop of the soil? Yeh greenhouse and a blanket lol :-)
  7. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    I've been looking at them on Amazon, I'm gonna get one just to make sure she's a bit warmer! Thanks!!
  8. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    3° celcuis in day, so not far off freezing, and about -3° at night sometimes even colder.
  9. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    Does the buds not soak up the smell or anything? Will I have manure tasting weed lol?
  10. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    Quick question... Is it the soil that has to be kept warm or would the cold have an effect on the leaves and buds? Like could I wrap the soil up in something... A big blanket or newspaper or something? Could she still flower if I kept her warm?
  11. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    Haha love the story! Yeh I've been taking the others in so they are getting 12/12 theyv only got a cpl of weeks left till harvest, the problem with this is the size of the pot, I can't take her indoors and I've left it too late to have her finish this year :-( I'm gutted. IF anyone had any ideas...
  12. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    I could probably sort something out to cover her but its still the cold that's the problem! Yeh I've been growing other ones outside that are almost done but that's cause I take them in at night, she is too big to take in :-( I'll stick to the smaller pots next year :leaf:
  13. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    Yeh I just thought nature would do her thing! Never thought about the timing of flowering a plant outdoors day and night! I live and learn lol! :-)
  14. Pineapplexcheese

    Another plant another problem :-/

    Hey again, Just looking for some advice on another plant, she has been vegging all summer (like 4 months) outside, I can't take her in at night so she has only started flowering a cpl of weeks ago, some of the colas have little buds starting to appear, but most of them look like they are still...
  15. Pineapplexcheese

    Has my plant turned Hermie?? Where's my pistils??

    I know you can't see it properly cause of my wonderful camera skills lol, but there are quite alot of amber too, but someone on another post said not to look at the trichomes until the bud looks ready, so I'm going to try n leave alone for a week or 2 :-)