Recent content by pp183

  1. pp183

    Are my seedlings getting enough light?

    I’m growing in a small container, approx 2.5 x 1.5 ft. Yes, I’m cheaping out on lights to test if they’re good or not but I just checked online that this light is 50w, I have two of them in the container
  2. pp183

    Are my seedlings getting enough light?

    So do they need better light as they grow?
  3. pp183

    Are my seedlings getting enough light?

    I used an old aquarium light found in the garage, and it seems to be bright enough. I do not know the wattage though. it’s been 6 days since it sprouted
  4. pp183

    Is this too small for a 5 day old?

  5. pp183

    Are blurples good for seedlings?

    A lot of coco and all purpose soil
  6. pp183

    Are blurples good for seedlings?

    Thoughts on this?
  7. pp183

    Are blurples good for seedlings?

    Photoperiod afghani strain, 83 f 70% humidity 3 days old