Recent content by ProteinPapi420

  1. P

    Why arent these autos big enough?

    They didnt stretch too much
  2. P

    I still feels anxious and unrealistoc after a bad edible trip.

    We fried it and put it back because it wasnt cooked enough but the outside was already getting dark in the oil
  3. P

    Why arent these autos big enough?

    Hi! Im growing an amnesia auto flower in soil and I am at day 17 but the plants look too small. The roots are healthy I give them plenty light and ph balamced water with normal amoumt of nutrients but they look too small for me!
  4. P

    I still feels anxious and unrealistoc after a bad edible trip.

    Cookies are not keto because its not for me
  5. P

    I still feels anxious and unrealistoc after a bad edible trip.

    Keto diet ever heard of low carbs flour? Its so great that someone post a question and nobody can fcking answer just making jokes....
  6. P

    I still feels anxious and unrealistoc after a bad edible trip.

    I have mental illens I take 3 different medications and I have a low tolerance. I did get high Idc what everyone says Im not stupid I would know if I would took a cookie and eat it
  7. P

    I still feels anxious and unrealistoc after a bad edible trip.

    It a fucking ass stromg strain. The fat out of the cookie just got out it even had a cannabis taste. I know I didnt have any of the cookies because I never really like thc and also Im on a diet so I wouldnt eat cookie anyways. My mom got high too she ate from the fried chicken as well and her...
  8. P

    I still feels anxious and unrealistoc after a bad edible trip.

    My first few highs were so great. It was with my dad . My first bad trip was an indica and I always felt bad from them than I had year when was smoking before school after school when I got home and before sleep like sometimes 4-5 times but not huges hits jsut small ones. Now I got hogh from...
  9. P

    I still feels anxious and unrealistoc after a bad edible trip.

    Im deffinitely wont take shooms if a low edible makes me anxious after 6 days
  10. P

    I still feels anxious and unrealistoc after a bad edible trip.

    I got accidently high from a fried chicken....I feel depersonalized and unrealistic and have an axiety from it. Its been 6 days since that bad trip which lasted for 6-8 hours.Is this normal?
  11. P

    Why is one of my bud crunchy and dry?

    I realized in a few days 2-3 happened quickly I didnt check the roots yet but I will when I get home
  12. P

    Why is one of my bud crunchy and dry?

    Yes it crumbly not soft at all Im pretty sure its not bud rot. You were asking me for the temps a hum. The humidity is 40-45 sometimes 50 but rarely and the temp is around 75f
  13. P

    Why is one of my bud crunchy and dry?

    But what happened that made it like this?