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  • Alright thanks for the info. I had another question about feeding plants nitrogen with piss. If i jus piss in a container mix it with a galon of water and grass clippings? and let it sit will that compost it enough to make it usable. Because one of my plants is getting really really yellow only the top 2 sets of leaves are a nice green.

    Oh no problem. You want to keep a compost moist and burning. you can just have a pile. You could built an enclosure but it's not necessary. i compost in a trash barrel(plastic with holes all over the place). If it's really sunny you can cook compost really fast provided it's moist(not soaked)and full of green matter(nitrogen rich). It needs brown matter too like leaves too. It's easier to toss a pile compared with a barrel though. It's hard to reach the bottom well when it's full. Another thing is only put light brown matter in there. Top soil for example is too heavy and will cool off the grass clippings. Compost works better to amend soil, loosen it up and get the worms digging their way through it. Over time the soil gets real loose and pretty much all plants in the garden love it especially the weeds ;)
    Hey sorry to bombard you with questions. Ijus got rid of the mouse, threw some old bananas on there and fresh green maple and sumac leaves. Is there some sort of way i should contain it or jus leave it as a big heap on the ground? and is it good to saturate it with water?
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