Recent content by Pwnstarqt

  1. Pwnstarqt

    Nute Advice

    So I can scrap all the other bottles essentially. I like the ide of sugars.
  2. Pwnstarqt

    Nute Advice

    So is the maxiseries truly standalone? Or am I still going yo be using ie: Floralicious Plus, the 2 nectar, and Kool Bloom. Or just the 2 maxis and cal mag maybe some armor si. Just want to know what the switch actually entails?
  3. Pwnstarqt

    FirstCav's First Journal Sponsored By the Cultiuanna CT-660

    I'm currently using fabric but always looking for that element I can improve. Thanks for the pics. I'm going to my grow store in the next couple weeks and will see of they have them. I'd like to try a few side by side with the fabric. Just out of curiosity. What are you using for nutes? I used...
  4. Pwnstarqt

    FirstCav's First Journal Sponsored By the Cultiuanna CT-660

    Hey Bro can I get a look at your pots? Those "nipples" on the sides, what are they for? What are they made of? What are the benefits? Sorry for the barrage of questions on your thread I've just not seen those before and I'm scared I'm missing out on something
  5. Pwnstarqt

    I saw you, with a ticket stub in your hand

    I saw you, with a ticket stub in your hand
  6. Pwnstarqt

    Nute Advice

    Greetings and salutations. I'm currently running GH Flora-Duo A & B along with most of the rest of their supplements. From what I've heard Flora Duo is being discontinued. Actually great timing as I'm pretty well out of e erything with the exception of the Cali-Magic (which I can use with...
  7. Pwnstarqt

    Powdery Mildew in Early Flowering

    The Baking soda seems to work great. Seems the keast chemically invasive option as well. I just ended my fifth week of flowering and things are looking great. The pm is being held at bay is the best way to describe it. I've been spraying about 1 per week now or if I see signs of the PM creeping...
  8. Pwnstarqt

    Powdery Mildew in Early Flowering

    Just an update. I sprayed the Bakingbsoda and water every 3 days since then (3 or 4 times) and increased air circulation with a combo of pruning bottoms and shifting some fans around. After the first application I haven't seen any other signs of PM. Thankfully it was spotted super early on and...
  9. Pwnstarqt

    Powdery Mildew in Early Flowering

    It's clean. I'm guessing fresh air intake introduced it to the space and cold "night" temps encouraged it. I will clean again thoroughly after these finish and burn some sulfur in the space. Considering pulling fresh air from a different location. In another month or so my temp swings won't be...
  10. Pwnstarqt

    just dogs

    My pair of Heelers in a rare moment of down time. Love my doggos so so much.
  11. Pwnstarqt

    Another Republican President, Another Recession.

    The donation portion you mention speaks exactly to my point. Being able to "buy good will" is the problem. The fact that a man like Trump can purchase political, "favor" if you will, is criminal. "You guys be sure and vote this way and the money keeps rolling in. The fact that that is how the...
  12. Pwnstarqt

    Another Republican President, Another Recession.

    Neither I'm just not fool enough to believe that either party has my best interest at their core
  13. Pwnstarqt

    Another Republican President, Another Recession.

    Two vile creatures feeding from opposite sides of the same trough. Dems on one side Republicans on the other both doing little more than paying lipservice to anything other than lining their own pockets and protecting the interests of those that keep them paid. Just a for instance but Trump...
  14. Pwnstarqt

    Why do people use Autoflowers after their 1st grow?

    Sounds to good to be true. Definitely A LOT less work than I currently have in a plant. Pardon my ignorance but what is a "3BOG" seed?
  15. Pwnstarqt

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    If you could get those TPS reports to me, that'd be grrat