Recent content by qudtlsdlddu

  1. Q

    Too much light? Heat stress?

    Thank you. Those quotes really cheer me up. Growing cannabis in places where it's prohibited is truly a challenging task.
  2. Q

    Too much light? Heat stress?

    Hi growers They are 1 week seedling There seems to be something wrong but I don't know what it is because it is first growing. Tell me anything that may cause the problem from your view
  3. Q

    need your help here

    Thank you....thank you. There is no single tip for growing cannabis in my mother language. If there's no post, it means I am caught.
  4. Q

    need your help here

    That is exactly what I aimed.
  5. Q

    need your help here

    Not straight into the dirt. I dig a hole and put some mixed soil in then plant them. Since the seeds are not feminized I guess after become I know the sex of them, it may easy for me
  6. Q

    need your help here

    I had the same thought too, and I couldn't help but worry that they might die of thirst, so I couldn't refuse to go.
  7. Q

    need your help here my story here. I'm growing a plant for the first time, and I'm doing it in a mountainous area for several reasons. As a result, watering is not easy. The place where I live is quite hot. The temperature can reach up to 82...
  8. Q

    need your help here

    It does rain once in a while...Making a device to receive rainwater would be one way. Thank you.
  9. Q

    need your help here

    I live in a country where cannabis is strictly prohibited. Since I don't have suitable conditions to grow cannabis at home, I planted 12 cannabis plants on a secluded hillside where I don't expect anyone to come (now I realize that it's too many). And it has been about 2 weeks since entering...