Recent content by radiant Rudy

  1. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    Reality check, my plants look fine. Do you even grow bitch?
  2. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    Bro my pics in this thread are not sad. What might be called sad is your groveling inseciuriy and cowardice. Your stench is a dead giveaway.
  3. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    Im guessing you fuck goats
  4. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    This guy lost his dignity here. Yet he continues to openly shit himself
  5. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    Ellipsis, Trump, tard Screams poorly educated magat. Wster boy, ho to politics to get vag punched
  6. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    Nah cmon man, keep it real. youre a spineless slob, you already know this
  7. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    I know youve got the thoughts of a fucking hobbled jackass
  8. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    To single out a single bad plant as representative of a growers skill says youre a fucking piece of toxic shit. Thats what i take from it.
  9. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    Hey, check it out! someone snapped a pic of you cunts trying to figure out another bitch like thing to cluck about
  10. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    "test dont guess" is more "intelligent" than all the grow info you've been exposed to in years you f'en bone headed, gullible, asshole hick ellipsisboi stfu you're a poorly educated, shit choked rodent
  11. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    BK what could be more cunt like than to view a bunch of my pics and find the scragliest pic to post? Thats truly the move of a spineless cunt. You are straight up cuntlike
  12. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    you're dull as fuck. No surprise ellipsisboi
  13. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    there's like 20 of you crying bleeding, toothless bitches, y'all have no pride, no self respect, no balls and yet proud AF of your ignorance.
  14. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    how do you know incel POS?
  15. radiant Rudy

    Manganese def? Organic soil grow

    dont hold back on the ellipsis, your most effect form of expression. Bro you dont know vagina, the closest you been was when you caught a whiff of uncle bull daddy