Recent content by RadioWaves

  1. RadioWaves

    Phlizon Giveaway is Comming Back! CLOSED WINNER PICKED

    Congratulations @Farmer's Hat !
  2. RadioWaves

    Phlizon Giveaway is Comming Back! CLOSED WINNER PICKED

    Stay loyal to the soil. USA @ScroteCombover @Doug Dawson
  3. RadioWaves

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    Thanks anyway
  4. RadioWaves

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    4 Collie man kush at 3 weeks from seed, thick main stems.
  5. RadioWaves

    Is Rocbudinc still a thing?

    Blueberry slushy nug
  6. RadioWaves

    Is Rocbudinc still a thing?
  7. RadioWaves

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Looks like pearly whites just went to the bottom of the list
  8. RadioWaves

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    I didn’t see the email regarding hplvd. Please post it here
  9. RadioWaves

    Blumats. Who's using them?

    I stopped using blumats for the raised bed also. Installed an 2.9 gallon olla a few months back, so far so good.