Recent content by Rico2016

  1. Rico2016

    Impello Tribus Orig. Bacillus?

    Is this a good product or what can you recommend for bacillis i found these guys and ive been thinking about it.
  2. Rico2016

    Riddle Me This...EM1

    godspeed good luck on this project sounds intense
  3. Rico2016

    What is this

    Never heard of it good luck much love
  4. Rico2016

    Xtreme gardening or great white

    Yes those are the hyphaes that extend out the root to grab more good stuff
  5. Rico2016

    Trailer Park Blueberry

    I seconded this
  6. Rico2016

    Second grow 4 th week of flower

    not sure if you know this but you have shrooms growin too!!
  7. Rico2016

    Should I flush ?

    v nice sirs
  8. Rico2016

    High thc anxiety / panic

    thats bud, bud
  9. Rico2016

    First grow somehow they survived! Advice for next run.

    dammmn 3 grams per plant is a roughass deal my friend glad you hung in there and stuck it out strong
  10. Rico2016

    How much does genetics really matter for seeds? How much of it is a scam?

    wow i feel like genetics are always huge deal and make a difference im not sure why you would think they cant help the plant preform to your level of want and come out more closeer to how you want them to be
  11. Rico2016


    what is your water at ?
  12. Rico2016

    Need Advanced nutrients help

    yes seems like the athena stuff lots of salts and not the natural ways
  13. Rico2016

    Weed makes me itch!!

    Sounds like fairy boy skin. sorry
  14. Rico2016

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Wow tap water with PPPM of 25 is pretty darn impressive i wish mine was that low.