I love every aspect of growing not only Cannabis but everything. I started smoking at a young age. I planted my first bag seed when I was thirteen, in the swampy nutrient rich soil in a patch of woods by the house I grew up in.
Since then "Jolly Land" (the name me and my friends came up with for that beautiful patch of forest) has been mowed down to create cookie cutter, suburban track homes. But Im thirty now and in the last fifteen years I picked up a few techniques about everything from outdoor organic soil to indoor Hydroponics. Its been about twenty years since that lush green sunny forest has been gone but i still grow with the open mindedness of that little kid who stuck a brick weed seed in the mud and watched it grow into a six foot Mexican sativa. I am always willing to help and I am definitely open for advice from other growers both new and old. Nugz chillin and grindege