Recent content by Sabresage

  1. S

    Is this TMV in my clones

    Hi guys, just wondering if anyone out there who has experience with tobacco mosaic virus could please give me a second opinion on these clones? I’ve had the virus, diagnosed, it was in everything and was devastating. It comes up again from time to time despite all my best efforts. I’m worried...
  2. S

    Tobacco mosaic virus

    Maybe a little particle floated in from somewhere and infected it. It wouldn’t surprise me, it was everywhere! I had to chop down 3 mature fig trees because they got it too.
  3. S

    Tobacco mosaic virus

    Yeah, it’s just one leaf, I think there were others though, it’s one of the early ones from the bottom of the plant. I remember there were some marks on the first leaves on this plant, that’s why I removed it from the tent.
  4. S

    Tobacco mosaic virus

    I know a lot of people are sceptical when TMV is mentioned but it was 100% what my crop had, it’s been a nightmare getting rid of it.
  5. S

    Tobacco mosaic virus

    A couple of months I think.. they were indoor under lights 24 hours but I put them outside about a month or 6 weeks ago when I suspected them of being infected.
  6. S

    Tobacco mosaic virus

    i posted a better photo.. hopefully that’s clearer.
  7. S

    Tobacco mosaic virus

    Wattle, it’s coming into spring here.
  8. S

    Tobacco mosaic virus

    Hey y’all, just wondering if anyone knows what if any nutrient deficiencies might cause this symptom besides TMV? I have had the virus and it was absolutely devastating, cost me years and thousands of dollars. I threw out everything but the lights which I sprayed with bleach, moved my whole...
  9. S

    Pale plants help please

    Shall do! Thank you
  10. S

    Pale plants help please

    Thank you! I'll google pHed water, not sure what that is. I've been giving them tank water.
  11. S

    Pale plants help please

    Hey y'all, I'm new to this site, long time weed lover, growing in dirt for 20 years. The last few years I've had to move indoors and have had a good run of beginners luck but recently my plants have become pale and are not thriving like they generally do.. been growing thc bomb and it's been...