Recent content by Sadi62

  1. S

    I am a veteran smoker, let's just say I'm past middle age and NEVER mastered the art of rolling...

    I am a veteran smoker, let's just say I'm past middle age and NEVER mastered the art of rolling. I had to roll back in the day but it was never good. Snake joints that fell apart. Learned to LOVE my one hitter and have only used those for years. I am getting ready to vacation and with the...
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    I just went out to check on Potunia. She is looking very nice. She is almost 3 feet tall. I found a net-winged beetle on one of her leaves. I removed it. Is this going to be a problem?
  3. S

    Clothes basket

    I've decided to simply leave Potunia in herb5 gallon bucket and give her lots of tlc. Thanks everyone!
  4. S

    Clothes basket

    I would love to put her in the ground. However, I live along a bluff and my soil is rocky and dry.
  5. S

    Clothes basket

  6. S

    Clothes basket

    First time grower. I have a plant in a 5 gallon bucket and it is approximately 18 inches tall. I believe a bigger planter is in order. Can i put it in a clothes basket designed with holes throughout, ot would something solid ne better? She is outside all the time.