Recent content by Saint Jimmy74

  1. Saint Jimmy74

    just dogs

    Outstanding! You sir are what we need more of.
  2. Saint Jimmy74

    Well, RIP soldier

    Ah! There it is. The pissed off wife is the ultimate reason! Should have led with that lol!
  3. Saint Jimmy74

    Does freewill exist?

    Hollywood for sure. I just remember growing up hearing "live at the Palladium" a lot. Never went unfortunately.
  4. Saint Jimmy74

    Does freewill exist?

    Live at the Palladium!!
  5. Saint Jimmy74

    Smell issues

    Agreed. I can't really pick up on the "weed" smell anymore. To used to it I guess. When I pop a jar I get a good whiff but that is about it.
  6. Saint Jimmy74

    Bent at the root

    You will know fairly quickly. I thought I broke one recently but I covered it up nicely and propped it up for a week a it is as strong as the others now. Hope it turns out well!
  7. Saint Jimmy74

    Bent at the root

    I would firstly fill that pot up with dirt and make sure she keeps going. It's not over till it's over.
  8. Saint Jimmy74

    Bent at the root

    Yes. That can be reburied when you transplant to a bigger pot. Just bury the curved part and bam, straight stem.
  9. Saint Jimmy74

    Pandemic 2020

    Not necessary for me. Not saying that about everyone. Those at risk should surely be vaxed up. The healthy populous shouldn't have been pressured into the shots. I said above that I have changed camps. I have the first 2 shots but now feel like it just wasn't needed. Again, for me for fucks...
  10. Saint Jimmy74

    How often do you switch strains?

    Awesome. I like taking everything in the rolling tray and smoking a bowl. We call them toaster leavin's here! Long live Al Bundy.
  11. Saint Jimmy74

    Pandemic 2020

    I appreciate your post and thanks for being civil!
  12. Saint Jimmy74

    Pandemic 2020

    Just like you
  13. Saint Jimmy74

    Pandemic 2020

    Vaccine. I am now not so sure it was needed. But in the beginning we would surely die without it.
  14. Saint Jimmy74

    Pandemic 2020
