Recent content by sassafras

  1. sassafras

    Change Lighting in flowering stage?

    Hello, This is my first attempt at growing. A friend of mine said that I should change the lighting time from 12 to 12 to something else at some point? Is this true I always thought you just flowered with 12 and 12. what would be the benifits of switching them as they seem to be doing well with...
  2. sassafras

    Have a High 420 Everyone

    wooo woooo 4:20 4:20 4:20 :) :) :)
  3. sassafras

    how much yeild?

    no i have 2ft tall plants. seven of them. guess i will just have to wait and find out...?
  4. sassafras

    how much yeild?

    Hello... I was wondering how much my plants will yeild. I have seven 2 ft tall plants under 2 400watt metal halides. They have been under these lights for about a week. previous to that they were under 3 random flourescent lights. I have fertalized lightly 3 times. I vegged them for 4 weeks and...
  5. sassafras

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    every sat and sunday morning... i have a blunt pre-rolled for the occasion :) so i can just wake.. reach.... lite... and bake :) :)
  6. sassafras

    to clone?

    hey everyone, This is my very first attempt at growing. My plants will be 8 wks old from seed tomorrow 4/19. I switched to 12/12 at 4 wks. I just switched them 3 days ago from a few random flourescent lights to 2 400 watt metal halide. they are reacting very well to it. I want to continue to...
  7. sassafras

    Marijuana as a Resource Could Blow Our Economy Out of It's Recession

    wow... as a firm firm firm agreeing young lady... I must say this almost brought tears to my eyes.... If only everybody could open their eyes.