Recent content by scrotina

  1. S

    Help please - avoiding mould / mold when curing

    thanks for the replies everyone. i'm amazed i got such a response when really you should all be stoned and glued to the sofa!
  2. S

    Help please - avoiding mould / mold when curing

    thanks for advice so far everyone. so i take it putting rice or dessicant in the jars is not an option? the reason i ask is the buds are very smelly and i would prefer the whole house not stinking of it lol
  3. S

    Help please - avoiding mould / mold when curing

    ok thanks for the advice but i dont own a heater and never have. just doesnt get cold enough here. i have no way of controlling the temps unless i go buy a heater which i dont really want to do. any other methods?
  4. S

    Help please - avoiding mould / mold when curing

    i dont have a dehumidifier and cant afford to go buy one atm and cant fit it in a jar either. just looking for the simplest cheapest way to do it.
  5. S

    Help please - avoiding mould / mold when curing

    hello all. first time using a forum, and very new to growing so please forgive me if its a rookie effort. i grew a nice plant here on the east coast of australia, trimmed the branches about 10 days ago and hung in the darkest driest room of our house with a fan pointed at them. problem is we are...