Recent content by sega megadrive

  1. sega megadrive

    Greenest’s Garden

    fuckin cookie cutters
  2. sega megadrive

    Greenest’s Garden

  3. sega megadrive

    Their getting rowdy down in Australia.

    theres not heaps of bigots in Australia mate about the same as every where else .its like saying most Americans agree with the kkk by the way we didnt vote for trump thats your problem not ours
  4. sega megadrive

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    could someone post the link from youtube the johnson-su composting bioreactor i have no idea how to post it an i thought it would be a great addition to this thread thanks in advance... big swipe dog.
  5. sega megadrive

    Greenest’s Garden

    weave me awone
  6. sega megadrive

    Greenest’s Garden

    oh yeah been feeding alfalfa kelp and fish hydrolysate with abit of fulvic. mixed and feed seperately not added together
  7. sega megadrive

    Greenest’s Garden

    dont want to show your crosses top dog cant get a good pic ill put the ather bandaid haze cross up to .thread jack out
  8. sega megadrive

    Greenest’s Garden

    here the update of finger boards on the left and rossetta on the right
  9. sega megadrive

    Greenest’s Garden

    heres the bandaid haze cross and another rossetta
  10. sega megadrive

    Greenest’s Garden

    whats up big dog heres the finger broads plant on the left and rosseta stone on the right the rossetta is looking real nice
  11. sega megadrive

    Your latest seed purchase?

    these will be my next run
  12. sega megadrive

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    sorry for the shit pics im on an samsung ipad hard as to take good pics the 2 plants were both rossetta stone from brothers grim