Ok so first I would recommend that you move to using to water but for the meantime I would use (just) water until about the 3rd- 6th node. Hope that is helpful.
If you are using tap water your cal mag will prob be fine. But I would say your mix is too rich I go by e.c and would have it no higher than 1 in veg and 1.8 flower otherwise you will risk toxic salts. I would rather risk a flush of everything than a build up of salts.
Hahaha! I'm not taking the piss. It all looks fine if she blew over, she might be a wee bit stressed but will be fine. Just remember these plants have been around millennia and have been fine! Don't love her too much and don't make her life hard, let her do what she needs to and just make things...
What is your e.c, p.h, nute producer, how much/often are you feeding, appears to be hydrocorn is that your medium? At least need this info to help. Cheers