I’m doing something’s a little different this year as well. I‘ll be trying my hand with some autos along with my regular outdoor shit. Autos will be grow inside, Currently have 12 seedlings going, I’ll put some pictures up when they get a little bigger.
Well 2024 is officially in the books for me. I really had a decent year, very little rot up until near the end. No PWM and no pest to speak of. I ended up with 4.75 pounds from four plants. Had worst years for sure, looking forward to 2025. I’ll be starting some Cherry Bomb, Oreoz, and some Sour...
I had three Mai Tie that started to get some rot in just a couple days, came out of no where. I’m in the process of taking them down now. Luckily I’m not losing a lot, but it sucks all the same.
I also grew some Oreoz this year and was surprised at its resistance considering the bud density. Zero WPM and only a few spots of rot starting just before I harvested it. I am right on the coast of York County Maine, so it can be a challenge to avoid rot. Good yield as well.
I took down my big Oreos this week. Wanted to try for another week but she was taking a beating from the rain and wind. Conservatively guessing 1.5 pounds maybe a little more. I’ll post the scale weight in a few days.
Three 12’ lines
Heavy and dense bud normally scars me. But the Maine weather has outstanding for the last six weeks or so. This one will be chopped the 2nd week of October, barring any unforeseen issues.
That doesn’t look like bud rot, looks like a maturing plant from the pictures. You’ll know rot when you see it, your sugar leaves will die on the rotted bud too. Peroxide is your friend.