Recent content by Shinyface0128

  1. Shinyface0128

    Does this look ok for 5-6 weeks

    No, should I be?
  2. Shinyface0128

    Does this look ok for 5-6 weeks

    Yes I put it under it in a cabinet for the dark hours
  3. Shinyface0128

    Does this look ok for 5-6 weeks

    So I grew it just to see if I could grow it really. And didn’t use any special grow lights, she grew in the kitchen window. So let’s say I put her under lights starting tomorrow do you think that will help or is it to late to put under a grow light?
  4. Shinyface0128

    Does this look ok for 5-6 weeks

    I honestly don’t know. I just asked my ex for some seeds and this is what I grew.
  5. Shinyface0128

    Does this look ok for 5-6 weeks

    Thank you
  6. Shinyface0128

    Does this look ok for 5-6 weeks

    Does this look ok for 5-6 weeks flowing?
  7. Shinyface0128

    Should I pollinate?

    Thank you
  8. Shinyface0128

    Should I pollinate?

    This is my first plant, well I grew 3 but 2 were males. I basically just wanted to see if I could grow (usually growing house plants) and didn’t use any fancy lights.. someone gave me some seeds so I thought why not. shes around 4 weeks into flowering. Am I passed the pollinating stage? I want...
  9. Shinyface0128

    First timer

    Thank you!!
  10. Shinyface0128

    First timer

    Thank you!!
  11. Shinyface0128

    First timer

    Thank you!
  12. Shinyface0128

    First timer

    I believe she has been in flowering for about 3 weeks maybe. I haven’t given any food recently, should I ?
  13. Shinyface0128

    First timer

    Thank you!!
  14. Shinyface0128

    First timer

    Ok y’all, don’t judge my plant! my first time growing and honestly just wanted to see if I could do it. Does this look ok for a plant that I grew without fancy grow lights (used cheap ones and then just put in a window) Thanks for any opinions