Recent content by SickSickWorld

  1. SickSickWorld

    Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope

    Hi buddy. Sorry, I'm never on these forums anymore. Second baby meant it was harder for me to grow, so I packed up around January this year. Fingers crossed in my new house, I'll be able to do a small scale stealth room. I'm actually quite excited by the project! Hope your LSD turned out nice...
  2. SickSickWorld

    Speed Seeds Auto Blueberry - £2.50 a seed!!

    That's fine man. I did the same before I grew this strain. Keep us updated on here if you like, that way anyone else looking into the strain in future will find our collated experience and knowledge.
  3. SickSickWorld

    Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope

    Slam me some pics in messages, lets have a look. There's always a way!
  4. SickSickWorld

    Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope

    159g of quality, 26g popcorn reserved for extraction, 14g frosty trim for cooking. Boom.
  5. SickSickWorld

    guys does everythin look ok?

    The cookie has been stunted, and stopped putting energy into growth and began flowering. It wont yield much of anything, its up to you if you want to keep running it. Try not to splash water on your leaves as it can cause scorching, intensifying the light that passes through the water droplet...
  6. SickSickWorld

    Newbie PC grower from UK

    Hi Jasmine, welcome to the forums! I've always loved a pc stealth box - can we have some photos to see just how stealth it will be? If you do grow autoflowers, be sure to research your strain well, as many could easily outgrow that space. With a photoperiod feminised seed, the only real...
  7. SickSickWorld

    A little Rosin advice

    Alright guys. First time posting this far down in the forums, I normally hang out near the grow sections. I'll be making rosin from dried Hubbabubbasmelloscope for the first time this weekend (as well as some iso-oil and thc e-liquid, we'll see how lazy I get). I've seen a few people selling 25...
  8. SickSickWorld

    Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope

    Chopped this morning, and hanging now. Gonna take a while to trim that beast... Do you normally dry in paper bags, or you trying something new? Its super sticky stuff too, so I'm gonna be making some rosin and iso-oil with the lowers. Not sure I wanna know your dried weight....
  9. SickSickWorld

    Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope

    I'm gonna be harvesting this biiiiiiiotch on the 23rd... Now, I usually trim dry, but I think I'll have to at least do a little manicuring as a few leaves are dying off and receding into the buds, so I wanna be getting them out asap to reduce risk of bud rot. This is by far the stickiest...
  10. SickSickWorld

    Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope

    Yeah, from now on she's just gonna get Growers' Ark Flush It. Used it on the LSD last time, everyone comments on how smooth the smoke is. So, it'll be between 7-14 days to chop, we'll see how demand is.
  11. SickSickWorld


    No way dude. Just prop up that pot! Don't overthink it :)
  12. SickSickWorld

    Round 2 of auto blueberry

    I went direct to mephisto for my seeds. Not the cheapest, but you'll get interesting crosses as freebies! I've seen a few sites with both breeders, I'll have a think.