Here’s a little pile from a test run of some 2 year old fresh frozen seeded. 2 big ziplock bags. Just throw em in break up a bit with ur hands. It’s -36c right now so it’s all crispy. I’ll let this run for a couple days then I’ll put my good plant in. The bbq motor is slow, like 2 rpm. I...
The reason I built this is for when we grow big plants outside, I can just throw whole branches in and get all the good stuff off with minimal work. No trimming. If I could I would get some chunks of dry ice to throw in the tumbler
My life’s work
My life’s work is complete. But this from scratch. This is my copywrite trademark evidence so don’t steal my idea until I am super rich! Anyways it’s working great. I’m rolling some junky stuff just to see it in action before I put some goods stuff in. It makes some nice...
Get that high quality flower rosin squished. But how are you dabbing it. What temp. How many hits. I’m looking for a new 510 thread device to vape. But it has to be clean.