Recent content by someguy01

  1. S

    plant issues/

    thank you, i'll try to find some thing..
  2. S

    plant issues/

    Hi, well i went shopping but i can't get any neem oil anywhere! can i just use those off! sprays for gardens?
  3. S

    Tiny Tiny Bugs

    do they do anything to ur plant?
  4. S

    plant issues/

    wow, i saw the post and i think its a fungus gnat? cause its making these yellow dots on my plant, and i always see it run across my soil.. i was reading how to take exterminate them. but i dont know what supplys to get. plz help?
  5. S

    germination problems

    well theres also a youtube video of Dr. Jupiter? or is it mr.. and it had this method of germination
  6. S


    i think i have the same bugs, but the both serparated. red bugs AND black bugs
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    Well i have bugs on my plant to but im about to go out today to look for " Neem Oil" which somebody told me to get, so i can get rid of the bugs
  8. S

    plant issues/

    i found some bugs in the soil of my plant =O! does this harm my plant and what can i do to get rid of these darn things.
  9. S


    im newbie, but i heard that u can tell if its sativa if the leaves look thicker?? i could be wrong..
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    well you see, im planning on doing this growing stuff for business stuff. and im j/w how much bud does each plant usually produce [edit]does your 20 inch plants usually produce
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    its purple haze..
  12. S


    haha, so what your saying is, less light less growth?? thanks alot!
  13. S


    Hi, this is my first thread and a first time grower to.. I'm just wondering. what is the most common sizes for a plant to grow every week till flowering. this is also indoor. right now it's a little taller than a lighter and its the first week. i dont want it growing over 2 feet.. so plz help...