Recent content by Stainless Hydroponics

  1. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    I have used that piping in projects at work. Really not needed for what I'm doing. Those feeding tubes were $1.50 each and hold in place a lot better than the regular tubing. Volume is dependant on how often you want to refill the tank. I could easily alter the design to hold more water if I...
  2. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    Any salt build up can be removed with a scrubber that you would use for pots and pans. I soaked the blue feeding tubes in a vinegar water mix which loosened everything up enough to come off pretty easy. Everything can be reused which is another great thing about these units. Less garbage in the...
  3. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    Yeah as far I understand it would be better for marine use but the nutrient water would never hit those kind of salt levels. I probably could have used a lower grade material and it would still be fine.
  4. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    304 was less expensive and there isn't any extra benefit to using 316.
  5. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    Very nice. I've been a Welder for about 15 years. Pipefitter for 3 years.
  6. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    Yes the bottom acts as the reservoir. The water temp only gets to about 26C which is the same as my air temp. Lots of air still getting to the roots and no root rot.
  7. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    I was running about 40 amps but the material is only 18 guage. Was a bit hot but I'm not seeing any rust and it's been 6 months so I'm sure it's good.
  8. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    Running a Lincoln Invertec v350 pro.
  9. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    These are top feed systems. Could also be used for DWC or Aeroponics
  10. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    I have a pretty good feeling this will pay for itself in the long run. How much water do you suggest for a recirculating top feed system?
  11. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    I used 304 Stainless for everything. Will never rust or corrode and doesn't contaminate the nutrient water.
  12. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    The base on the small system can hold about 10 gal but I only keep about 2 in there to minimize the amount of nutrients I use. The larger system can hold more but I still only keep about 5 gal. Since I change it once a week and top up every couple days (if I need to) it has been working great...
  13. Stainless Hydroponics

    Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems

    Just want to introduce these Stainless Steel Hydroponic Systems to the forum. I personally designed and fabricated these two systems to run in a 2' x 4' and a 4' x 4' grow tent. The smaller system is 10" tall, has sites for 14 plants and cost me about $300CDN in materials and components (pump...