Recent content by stinkynugs714

  1. stinkynugs714

    Anybody recognize this mold/fungus?

    Wow thats interesting. im planting from seeds outdoor that i have randomly collected so im not dealing with clones.
  2. stinkynugs714

    Anybody recognize this mold/fungus?

    update: Well i believe this is a unique situation and it explains why i have found pretty much no information online about it. Theres a large tree in my backyard that has this stuff on the leaves and alot of other black dusty mold looking stuff. I think spraying milk for PM encouraged it and...
  3. stinkynugs714

    Anybody recognize this mold/fungus?

    thanks for the replys, i cant confirm but i think this may have showed up after i sprayed the plants down with milk to combat powdery mildew. or maybe there was a little of this and the milk made it worse. what i did recently is sprayed the plants down with 3% hydrogen peroxide and today i did a...
  4. stinkynugs714

    Anybody recognize this mold/fungus?

    Hi outdoor gardener in southern california. I am having a hard time finding out what is attacking my plants. looks like black mildew. attacks the fan leaves with black spots then travels along the stem until it reaches the buds and is halted by the trichomes but slowly makes its way on them...