Recent content by surfgeo

  1. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    of thats rich. someone who voted for Biden bragging about being smarter than someone else. it just gets better!
  2. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    are you STILL talking? the dumbest people around are the fascists who force their beliefs on everyone else call everyone else fascists. classic playground strategy. you must feel so smart. lol
  3. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    nice spin - but in full context he is talking about red flag - if you know someone who is a very serious danger then you move 'cause there aint no time for the courts. - it would have saved a lot of lives in Florida and elsewhere. but of course Trump is not allowed to do that. just like you'd...
  4. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    oh thats it - make me prove a negative. thats rich. we cant defend trump? once more - tell me what Biden has done that is so great. i am still waiting.
  5. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    so here we have a liberal idiot using a photo of the wall damaged by a flash flood - where it crosses an arroyo - trying to claim this is negligence its like posting a photo of a totaled F-150 from a head on collision and claiming Ford trucks are no good. classic leftist lies. as usual.
  6. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    oh - so it only counts when the right does it - we are not allowed to point out your blatant hypocrisy. classic leftist narcissism. we all know Hillary is walking free for the same reason as Hunter Biden - they have democratic immunity. i'm sure you believe all those pics of Hunter are fakes...
  7. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    but it was ok for Bill Clinton to dodge the draft and lie. oh - how is that Russia thing working out for ya? talk about liars.
  8. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    really? blaming this on Trump? and that right there folks is a true sign that THIS guy knows how to grow the really good stuff! follow any of his advice on growing closely, he clearly has it down!
  9. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    "Biden is cleaning up "mango Mussollini's" mess??" lets see.......container ships anchored to the horizon, how do we empty them and keep the supply chain going? i know! how about we keep the ports open longer than an 8-hour business day? now there's some genius for you. hmmm....oh here's...
  10. S

    Making tincture using everclear

    i read a bunch online and its basically about a liter to an oz (already decarbed). i did .75 liter to an oz and it looks like plenty. all you have to do is soak it, drain it off, then let the alcohol evaporate either over several days at room temp or quicker in a water bath (crock pot on...
  11. S

    Making tincture using everclear

    so that sounds like the longer time will make it stronger, with a trade off in taste. i am one of those that arent to particular about taste so much as effect. its been a day. maybe i'll drain off the everclear now, then maybe make an infused tequila with the remnants.. ;-)
  12. S

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    reading 1984. there is now and always has been a high, middle, and lower class in all societies. the high wants to keep power, the middle wants it and revolts seeking equality - but when they get it they become more equal that others and just simply replaces the high, and it all starts all over...
  13. S

    Making tincture using everclear

    reading reading reading and one method has you pouring in the everclear and shaking it every day for 2 weeks - others have to draining it and evaporating off the alcohol after one day and as little as 15 minutes. pros/cons either?
  14. S

    anyone flavor their oil?

    may do some, but that seems like a lot of tedious work. i dont mind the taste as it is at all - just being curious
  15. S

    anyone flavor their oil?

    i am using the general decarb/coconut oil/water bath recipe, got the tasty virgin unrefined coconut oil with a great aroma, was wondering if anyone ever adds a little sugar or vanilla etc? i figured to add the sugar after the water bath but when its still hot enough to dissolve the sugar...