Recent content by Susanne

  1. Susanne

    Hose end sprayer troubles!!!!

    i posted about this a couple of years ago & didn’t get any responses for any GOOD hose-end sprayers. I guess they don’t make them anymore……?
  2. Susanne

    Hose end sprayer troubles!!!!

    Pump sprayers have been too much work for me as they are heavy & I have about 30 plants. I’m 71, have been chronically ill for 40+ years & am weak……yeah, it makes it harder.
  3. Susanne

    Hose end sprayer troubles!!!!

    Thanks. I’ve tried hose-end Hudson sprayers. The pumps I’ve tried are too much for me, as they are heavy & I have about 30 plants, so. we’ll see
  4. Susanne

    Hose end sprayer troubles!!!!

    I’ve used hose-end sprayers for years, but the last years there hasn’t been one that works. First, we had the mix type. They were a bit more trouble than the mix itself kind I’ve been trying. At least the old ones sprayed out what was in it. The newer type that mixes itself has more problems...
  5. Susanne

    Ants….. nothing working!

    I’m not sure. The pots had SO many ants, I think just the quantity was enough. They chewed some of the lower parts of the stalks.
  6. Susanne

    Ants….. nothing working!

    It turned out the ants I had are probably sugar ants. Really small. smaller than fire ants, so the Amdro & diatomaceous earth didn’t work. Borax & sugar did, but don’t know what other ants would be affected. good luck. My crop was reduced to almost nothing as I didn’t see them until they caused...
  7. Susanne

    Early flowering…..

    Okay. Here are the photos. again, they are only 8-12” tall. Already flowering. See top of thread for details
  8. Susanne

    Early flowering…..

    Photos of plants. They are less than 12 inches tall. well, shit. My photos I took this morning haven’t migrated from my phone. I’m not getting the site to load on the phone. I’ll try later
  9. Susanne

    Early flowering…..

    I plant mid March, the same as I have for 40+ years. It‘s in Texas, so that is when we plant. I‘ve tried different strains most years…. Since I’m relieving symptoms like nausea, etc, I don’t get stoned . so, I can’t tell the difference between them, except how easy they are. so… This year, I’m...
  10. Susanne

    Early flowering…..

    I’ll try to remember to take my phone today
  11. Susanne

    Early flowering…..

    No, not autos. It’s an outside grow, so natural light schedule . Since they’re outside, the schedule is the same yearly, so it makes no sense that this happened. I do keep them in a wire dog crate with hardware cloth (save from hail & small animals) & I’ve been concerned maybe it wasn’t letting...
  12. Susanne

    Early flowering…..

    3 years ago, my plants (all varieties) started to flower when they were only 8-12” tall. Way too early. I made a post about it & found a little. They grew with one-tipped leaves instead of 5-6. The buds grew up the stalks instead of the ends. well, it’s happening again. I had just...
  13. Susanne

    what is your favorite germination method?…and why

    Hello again, I’m germinating again, and want to see if there is a better way. In the past, I’ve used paper towels & it worked very well. I stopped due to the possible problem of having the sprouts grow into them. Then, I have now used the water in the glass method…..I’m not sure, but think I’m...
  14. Susanne

    Can I reuse last year’s soil?

    I’ve been getting new soil every year ….I tried reusing it once, mixing it with nutrients & it didn’t work well at all…. but, getting new soil yearly is making for a big pile of it. I really don’t like to waste things, so been meaning to ask…. Can I reuse last year’s? & if so, what can I do...
  15. Susanne

    Ants….. nothing working!

    They’re chewing the outside of stems . Killing plants