Recent content by tacoboy

  1. T

    My mullet is looking pretty sweet

    Sorry no pics ,U know what they look like. Been a short hair clean cut for ever. Decided it was time to grow it out. Took a few months but now its there,and looking sweet. My wife hates it. Have noticed I,m getting a few more looks when out and about:lol:. I,m gonna have the hair cut lady add...
  2. T

    To boil or not to boil butter/water/

    Used about a 2 plus 0,s (barely broken up) of trim/herm bud/seeded/small bud. with around 4 plus cup water and 2 1/2 sticks butter.Boiled for 45min. Screened/frige. Only ended up getting about a stick of butter. I think the rest was stuck to the garbage. Made oatmeal cookies in 7x8 dish cooked...
  3. T

    To boil or not to boil butter/water/

    thanks,waters boiling.
  4. T

    To boil or not to boil butter/water/

    nobodys got an opinion on the subject? Really looking forward to making my butter. Just needs to dry a tad more. Still remember getting a free old/stale brownie from a bud. Actually felt like I was tripping,the effect was extreme.Wanna get there again. puff puff pass
  5. T

    To boil or not to boil butter/water/

    mmj Read many many posts and still a little confused. I,m sold on the water butter mix method. Seems many say to cook for long periods (8hrs)at low temps. Others say boil for 1hr. Some say if boiled thc will vape. I wanna do the 1hr method but do not wanna vape off all the thc. Water...
  6. T

    positive pressure VS negative pressure

    Stanley with carbon filter hooked to return side (inlet)outside of cab,with 3 vents off supply side (outlet) 1 blowing flower,1 veg and 1 outdoors. Thanx, any other thoughts?
  7. T

    positive pressure VS negative pressure

    I heard peeps say neg,why? Stanley blower is a ripper. Thanx, Peace out b!tches
  8. T

    Need eye protection in grow room

    Thanx for the replys! Forgot to mention it,s a diy pyrex/high bay/remote ballast/fan/cooltube setup with no reflector. So my stupid a$$ is so amazed that it works so good I keep looking at it. Plus theres bud all around it. Found a diff pair of way dark glasses laying around and try,d them...
  9. T

    Need eye protection in grow room

    Whats the best thing to protect your eyes under hps lights? My dollar store sun glasses did little.welding goggles? Any advice would be great.thanx
  10. T

    sunrise relector hanging system

    So I guess nobody uses these? Anyone?
  11. T

    sunrise relector hanging system

    I bought some of these hangers for a diy 400w cooltube. Seems like the tension is way to much for the wieght of my cooltube? Like it will just go straight up. I think these are made for somthing heavier? Any advice would be great.(confused) Thought I was doing myself a favor! Thanx :roll:
  12. T

    Best place to take bud off inmature plant?

    Getting low on meds.Whats the best place to take some bud off a 3 week flowing plant? small bottom 1s or the top? thanks
  13. T

    Running out of space,LST,pinch,top?

    Thanks for the advive,will do. I,ll l update how the 2 I basically broke and bent over are looking later.
  14. T

    Running out of space,LST,pinch,top?

    Looking at some high bay 400w hps on craigslist. 1 guys selling some for 20 bucks. That would give me more room. Also I am low on bud (meds). Planning on cutting some off early. Should I top the tallest indica? Mr geen topped at 2 weeks! Any advive thanks?
  15. T

    Running out of space,LST,pinch,top?

    Running out of head room. 2 weeks into flower. Started 12 bagseed.6 sativa 6 indica. Only came up with 3 males:hump:. 1 got big during 1st week flowing I topped. Cloned top and stalk under top. :shock:So a few other of those sativas have also gotton tall. So I pinched the stalk and bent 2 of...