Recent content by Thisguy1240

  1. T

    Venting for 2 - 2x4 tents

    Would an 8 inch fan be enough for 2 - 2x4 tents? Both are using Spider Farmer SF4000's. I'm worried about noise but I can deal with it to bring temps down from the mid 80's.
  2. T

    Furnace closet Co2

    That's what I wanted to know.
  3. T

    Furnace closet Co2

    My apartment has a closet that houses the heater and furnace. I exhaust into it since it has an exhaust that leads to the outside. I was wondering if I could instead pull air from the closet which should have CO2 and if someone else has done it.
  4. T

    Furnace closet Co2

    Also, of course I have a Co detector right outside the closet and I'd install a few in the grow room
  5. T

    Furnace closet Co2

    Not long ago I made a post about venting - I decided to drill a hole from my grow room into my furnace/hotwater heater closet. It's working wonders but I'm wondering if I'm missing an opportunity to use Co2 from my furnace. Perhaps having the fan draw air from the closet INTO the grow room, of...
  6. T

    Magnetic Ballasts

    Really just looking for a blend between budget friendly/efficiency. It's $500 for a 600w LED but for that much I can buy a whole setup using both. Y'alls input helped out a lot making this decision a lot easier.
  7. T

    Magnetic Ballasts

    Which one are you using? I was thinking if doing a 400w hps and two 100w LEDs in a 4x4. If not, I'll wind up getting a 600w Chinese LED.
  8. T

    Magnetic Ballasts

    Any digital ones that are FCC compliant? Don't wanna be broadcasting my location to the entire neighborhood.
  9. T

    Magnetic Ballasts

    I'm looking for a 400W magnetic ballast that'll run on 120v. Any suggestions?
  10. T

    Decided to ditch window venting

    So would you recommend using a dehumidifier in there? I don't know if I can fit one. Otherwise, am I safe to vent into that closet?
  11. T

    Decided to ditch window venting

    I think I could use a Y tube and a booster fan to exhaust both the tent and the Co2 from the heater.
  12. T

    Decided to ditch window venting

    I'm Just worried that it's the middle on winter and the windows are oversized. I previously used that method but we were on top floor so I didn't care as much.
  13. T

    Decided to ditch window venting

    There's a gas heater in there as well so that explains it.
  14. T

    Decided to ditch window venting

    I've got a bookshelf I can put there. Totally doubt they'll move it - As for the hole on the other side I can patch it up with a thin patch.
  15. T

    Decided to ditch window venting

    Basically I'm in a first floor apartment and anyone coming or going from their apartments has to walk past my window, being no more than 6 feet away from it. I couldn't find a way to make my window exhaust port invisible so instead I made a hole in the wall leading to the AC unit. There seems...