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  • Sweet lol. Thanks=]
    I deleted all of the messages that was from that night so no more drama would go down on my shit lol.
    And I took it off b/c last night my profile was getting blown up really bad...
    Fucking terrorists lol.
    yea too bad i got off this sat tho we can chill again cant get over how much better you look in person them pics you have of u on here dont cut it ;)
    why did u take ur visitor msging off
    FYI, I am not a kid. Moreso, I am a botanist. Secondly, I have ownership rights to this site. I do believe your are highly ignorrant to call people stuff that you dont know. I could very well be a sociopath killer....But I am actually a owner of this website. OUT OF RESPECT FOR SAM, I am not going to BAN your IP ADDRESS. One more ignorrant comment or threat, and you can find some other home, kid!
    B/c they all say the same things and never do what they say lol.
    Most guys are nothing but talk.
    Shit if a guy could handle being with me I wouldn't be single right now lol.
    They just don't make sense to me sometimes.
    I don't get why no one wants to be with me for me...
    I'm not gonna go on I already sound corny as hell lol.
    I wasn't laughing at you- just the idea, m'kay? Lol.
    &no, I don't. I just got dumped and still don't know why lol.
    It's all good, dude was controlling as hell anyway he got mad at me a lot for dumb reasons:(
    Way to insecure for my taste.
    &as far as finding another goes, yeah I'm down.
    I just want someone who will be honest and treat me right as I will to them...
    But it seems damn near impossible.
    -Exactly why I'm single lol.
    thats badass i like to draw too not a very good painter tho haha. u should put some pics of ur other shit on here some day u got me wondering how good u r now
    Yes, I do. I love to paint, draw and make sculptures.
    I've been painting & drawing for as long as I could remember...
    Those were just sloppy doodles;
    You'd probably like my other stuff a lot better lol.
    I go around there all the time!
    -That's pretty rad man.
    And yes, it's really me in that picture=] lol.
    I'm from Rensselaer, unfortunately.
    If only, there was an easy way out lol.
    Glad you're enjoying the site=]
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