Recent content by Tomatoesonly

  1. T

    How to fix your old AC Infinity fans....

    So I'm not the first, but it isn't well known how to fix these. So go to Ebay and get yourself 1PCS 28BYJ-48 Valve Gear Stepper Motor 12Volt from China. Make sure you get the 12V because they come in 5V and 12V. Mine got here in 8 days and I paid $1.34 a piece!!!!!!! Now, the connector ends are...
  2. T

    Brothers Grimm

    Any updates to BG harvests or grows? It's so weird that Grow Diaries has hardly any feedback about BG. C99 has been around for awhile now, can it hang with this newer crowd of "Z" strains?
  3. T

    Does bucket size matter

    I think some people are talking about Organics and buckets and others are talking about Synthetics and buckets. That's two vastly different things. A constant bottom fed 2 gallon bag of coco can grow a VERY large plant. So 9 gallons seems like something you'd use for a Banana tree with the...
  4. T

    New grow room Autopot grow

    I haven't looked at the whole thread, but have you analyzed the root use on those large bags after harvest? Are they using all that mixture, and what size are you running?
  5. T

    Autopot issues, problems, solutions, and fixes

    I had that exact thing typed out and decided not to post it. I'm about 50% sure it might not even make a difference getting rid of the "dry back" part of the operation. Just take off the top float. I always examine the roots after everything's over and I have terrible luck with getting roots...
  6. T

    Shelving for tents

    I have a 2x2x4 tent I'm looking for some easy shelving ideas. Anyone got something from Amazon or another source that is an easy fit? Need maybe 1-2 "shelves", preferably wire mesh for airflow.
  7. T

    Hydrogen peroxide newbie

    IS that the amount you would add to a reservoir of nutrients? That seems like alot for 50%. Don't do anything until someone explains exactly how the calculations work.
  8. T

    Help with dwc

    You can see one is at 18" and putting out a helluva lot of light. Yeah, crank that thing BACK. I've been guilty of this a few times. I've got my mother tent doing pretty good, and the light in it is 20%, and not as powerful as that thing you have.
  9. T

    Help with dwc

    This is why AUTOs are terrible in these situations. They have their own time table that nothing you do can fix. Once sprouted the clock starts ticking. With normal plants, I would pull that small one a veg the others a little longer to make up the area. Then rehab the smaller one in...
  10. T

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    OK everyone, these are the two GUZZLERZ I've referenced in the past. The one on the left has more in it, gonna give it another go with a clone. I messed up the root mass with too many experiments. Take too long to explain. Be a great plant for height limited tents.... which I have. Now I...
  11. T

    In House Genetics Thread

    Honestly, that don't even look real, like a quick photoshop. WOW, I've never had a leaf that big as far as I know. That's like those palm leaves they make hut roofs with.
  12. T

    Finally, an effective and SAFE grow tent heater

    Here's some more feedback. I have a 2x4x8 (little bigger than that) tent in the basement. It's cold down there... 58* or less. With lights off it can NOT keep it very warm... about 73* max. I here ya... that ain't too bad. Well, it's like a shower in there, almost the ENTIRE inside has...
  13. T

    Alien v system !

    Those kits are expensive but you CAN NOT argue with those results.. wow!!
  14. T

    Help with dwc

    How's the rest of your system? Water temps and if you're adding beneficials to the water.