Recent content by unspecified

  1. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    My little plants... maybe half the size of my buddies plants!
  2. unspecified

    Nuggs 2015 russet mite war

    Garden update: :clap::hump::bigjoint:
  3. unspecified

    Nuggs 2015 russet mite war

    Heres your test. I posted it in the open show and tell thread but didnt say whos it was just that one was mine and that I was switching sprays... Nuggs saved my garden. The stuff is doing great!
  4. unspecified

    pheno hunting for this season...

    Tesla master of lighting on netflix was a good docu! Showed the fight between edisons D/C and teslas A/C and how tesla died a poor man while a lot of people got rich off his ideas!
  5. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    When are you going to use light depo? Everything should flower on its own in a few more days. Some of mine are already starting to flower. There is only about 14 hours of light outside right now.
  6. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    I would just put it over the top. I wouldnt bend them too much but just put it up mainly as a support for when branches get heavy. I'm going to put up another layer in a few days
  7. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Can I suggest 4 t- posts from home depot or lowes $6 each and some trellis netting. It will really help support the plant when they start really budding. Should be less than $40 and you can spread them out a bit in the netting.
  8. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Looking good! The ground soil where youre at is amazing! I lived in lodi and it was sooo nice! The whole vally there is the largest patch of class A soil in the US! I mived 45 min east and im almost all rock now.
  9. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    It was funny, i was a few dsbs in myself! She just says "have fun I'll be on the treadmill while youre out there". the wife is the bread winner! Ive never made as much as her. She's the real bad ass imo! Finished school and got a real job, that shit is hard compared to what I do...
  10. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    I take pics of my helper too, he has a tent set up out back. My wife doesnt even come to that part of the yard, couldnt care less about the growing part.
  11. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Yeah but they are for personal pleasure only ;)
  12. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    About a week ago
  13. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Single tests are 75 each. So 150 for THC and pesticides. Or get a 5 test package and it drops to $80 for for THC and pesticides.
  14. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Unfortunately a tint bit of mold was found on this strain, not enough to stop me from smoking it all. but no traces of bugs, mites or pesticides ect. Each strain was grown at different places with different growers to test sprays. I will be switching my mold spray to what my buddy is using...
  15. unspecified

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    No bugs, mites,mold or pesticides.