Recent content by Weedvin

  1. Weedvin

    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    Netherlands areas LOL
  2. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    No deficientcy with NPK or trace elements would exist if all present 7.0-7.5 is the ultimate ✔️/foods. Try this, add about an inch of EWC too add humus. You'll be thankful you did.
  3. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    What's the pH what's the medium?
  4. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    You know 50% silica sand 50% good EWC will grow anything without deficiency. Add some Bone meal and greensand, hit her with a good fish/seaweed once a month, Bingo SUCCESS ✌️
  5. Weedvin

    Manures & Bone meal

    Castings are the ultimate Humus " manure ". A cold manure, safe for any stage. 1- lb bone: 21/2 -lb. Castings. Brute worm castings, 30# + 12# bone, perfect
  6. Weedvin

    Manures & Bone meal

    When using bone meal and Manures use 1 prt. Bone meal with 21/2 times the manure. 5- lbs. Bone meal 121/2 lbs. Manure. ✔️ It'll improve the efficiency of both.
  7. Weedvin

    An autoflower that won't flower

    Lol no two C4 free seeds from PSB. 71/2 oz. In 90 days (photo grow like an Auto ) There's no complaints good smoke for a 19% free. 20%++
  8. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    That's all we can ask for, Thank you Member, this is excellent communication peacefully exchanging experiences ✔️
  9. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    No. I hold My own, I've a very successful method, C-4, 90 days good potent buds (outdoors). The kicker is that for 90 days plants only recieved 11/4 gallons/day. At the beginning of flowering - ending, 1- tsp. of Diatomaceous Earth. You can understand beginners right ? I've ZERO bad mouthing...
  10. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Absolutely bad advice. See what I mean
  11. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Sphagnum peat moss 7.0 and the huge root system you'll get. I apologize my friend your 100% correct ✌️
  12. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    6.5-7.0 learn it like it love it. Look in the mirror pal, now that's funny. Quit insulting members, and remember there's more to growing than smart ass emojis ✌️
  13. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    It's too acidic ✌️
  14. Weedvin

    C-4 ; END OF SEASON.

    My result of Doitmyself project.
  15. Weedvin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    C:P.R. No deficiency's, No bugs. I think in the end, CPR is the very best, by a long shot.