I’ve been growing since I was 17 on and off and I’m now 27 and marijuana is now legal in my state well medically so what did I do you guessed it I got my medical marijuana license and started growing again and plan on getting a growing license. In my state with a medical card I can legally grow 6 big plants and 6 small plants. My wife has a license, my mother has her licenses and my oldest sister who has epilepsy. Which along time ago I started growing for her so she can have edibles, which I and my mother also wanted to try, and she went to having over 20 seizures a day to maybe once a month having seizures. I had stopped growing for multiple reasons one mainly because Colorado medically legalized it so it became he easier to get edibles for her but now that my state (thank you to all the Oklahoma’s who also helped vote it in) medically legalized it I’m back at it so I can now grow 24 lady’s and 24 babies. Me and my wife want to get a growing license so that I can sell to dispensary’s. I also am trying to get a job working either for a dispensary or a bigger grow farm and maybe when I get my license we can work together on producing the most powerful the most delicious tasting and the most medically benefit marijuana possible. I absolutely love growing marijuana I would rather grow marijuana then to smoke it because for me creating something out of nothing and also making something better than anyone else that could be imaginable is a high for me. The only reason I really started growing marijuana in the first place was to help my eldest sister and I want to help as many people as I can by giving them the best product imaginable and also teaching people about it and how to grow it, because for me just growing marijuana is one of the best pleasures in my life.
- Birthday
Oct 3, 1991
(Age: 33)
- Location
- Gender
- Male
- Occupation
- Looking to join a growing farm
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