Recent content by Xr5K

  1. Xr5K

    best CBD Oil

    Many thanks for the contribution I will look for it. I have read that lazarusnaturals is supposed to be very good.
  2. Xr5K

    best CBD Oil

    Thank you for the answer;) My daughter needs an oil for her nerves, do you think this product would be the right one?
  3. Xr5K

    best CBD Oil

    @Dr.Amber Trichome Thank you very much for your answer. Did you mean this brand?--->
  4. Xr5K

    best CBD Oil

    Hi Need your help which brand is the best CBD oil in the USA and where can I order it? My daughter needs it for medical reasons. She lives in Pennsylvania Thank you--for your answers--:rolleyes: If I have posted here incorrectly--please move