Blaze & Daze

Did you just toss it in the garbage can? And how did you get it in there?
I’ll still occasionally try to catch them by the tail for sport purposes only. Not those small ones though. That’s fucking nuts!
I chop their heads off with a flat shovel, i’ve gotten real good at it. It hardly ever takes more than one time at it. Straight up Chuck Norris quickness. I dispose of the head however it seems clever at that moment but I just chuck the body as far as I can over my fence. It’s kind of like dealing with the dogshit out here. I don’t. Out of site(usually) out of mind.

Hate killing them but I love my dogs so what do you do.

The good thing is I have really reduced the population down so much that i think i only had to kill 3 of them last year? Maybe only 2. Now we have many more garter snakes at the creeks and gopher snakes everywhere else. So that’s pretty cool. The rattlers fricken owned my property when i first came out here.
I’ll still occasionally try to catch them by the tail for sport purposes only. Not those small ones though. That’s fucking nuts!
I chop their heads off with a flat shovel, i’ve gotten real good at it. It hardly ever takes more than one time at it. Straight up Chuck Norris quickness. I dispose of the head however it seems clever at that moment but I just chuck the body as far as I can over my fence. It’s kind of like dealing with the dogshit out here. I don’t. Out of site(usually) out of mind.

Hate killing them but I love my dogs so what do you do.

The good thing is I have really reduced the population down so much that i think i only had to kill 3 of them last year? Maybe only 2. Now we have many more garter snakes at the creeks and gopher snakes everywhere else. So that’s pretty cool. The rattlers fricken owned my property when i first came out here.

Tastes like chicken :blsmoke: