Carbon span and refurbishing?

Gotta give a shoutout once more here to SystemAir. Their CarboAir filters are insane...
I just ordered a 150mm one with 60mm coalbed. Good for 1350m³/h tops.
And it's refillable. The Swiss are showing how its done in this case.

Lifespan: I usually refill every year, that was with the 50mm coalbed.
Gotta give a shoutout once more here to SystemAir. Their CarboAir filters are insane...
I just ordered a 150mm one with 60mm coalbed. Good for 1350m³/h tops.
And it's refillable. The Swiss are showing how its done in this case.

Lifespan: I usually refill every year, that was with the 50mm coalbed.
pelletized carbon or chips? pics would be helpful
I like phresh filters they're good for 3yrs at normal operation if you've lower humidity 2yrs if not, I only use a fraction of the fans capacity I'm sure that helps with longevity.
I've just changed my filter after 4yrs of use and it's still working, i didn't fancy another crop I've already done well enough from it.
I swapped them over just yesterday.